Thursday 3 November 2016

Yummyy Special Thai Noodles Recipe In Urdu And English

yummyy and easy special thai noodles recipe in urdu and english

For the noodles: 
In a medium saute pan over medium heat, add the canola oil. Add the ginger, lime zest and juice, garlic, red pepper flakes and chicken stock. Stir all to combine and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add the curry paste, seasoned rice vinegar and scallions.

Thai noodles are some of the most popular in the world, and when you taste them, you'll know why. Find classic , quick & easy noodle dishes, as well as numerous recipes for delicious rice noodles.it's all noodle delicious!

Chicken Pad Thai

8 oz. Thai rice noodles (or enough for 2 people), linguini-width
1 to 1 1/2 cups chopped chicken breast or thigh
Marinade for Chicken: 1 tsp. cornstarch dissolved in 3 Tbsp. soy sauce
4 cloves garlic, minced
optional: 1-2 fresh red chilies, minced
3 cups fresh bean sprouts
3 green onions, sliced
1/2 cup fresh coriander/cilantro
1/3 cup crushed or roughly chopped peanuts (or other nuts, such as cashews)
1/4 cup chicken stock
vegetable oil for stir-frying, and wedges of lime

3/4 Tbsp. tamarind paste dissolved in 1/4 cup warm water (look for tamarind at Asian/Chinese or Indian food stores)
3 Tbsp. fish sauce
1/4 cup chicken stock
1-3 tsp. chili sauce, OR 1/2 tsp. or more dried crushed chili or cayenne, to taste
3 Tbsp. brown sugar


*Make Pad Thai Sauce by combining sauce ingredients together in a cup. Stir well to dissolve tamarind and brown sugar. Taste-test for a tangy balance between sweet and sour.  Add more sugar if too sour, or more tamarind if too sweet.

*Bring a large pot of pot to boil and dunk in rice noodles. Stir to separate. Only cook until they are soft soft enough to be eaten, but just barely: still firm and a little "crunchy" (they will finish cooking later in the pan).  Drain and rinse well with cold water to prevent sticking. Set aside.

*Place chicken slices in a small bowl. Stir together the marinade and pour over chicken. Stir well and set aside.

*Warm up a wok or large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add 1-2 Tbsp. oil plus garlic and minced chili, if using. Stir-fry until fragrant (30 seconds). Add marinated chicken. When wok/pan becomes dry, add a little chicken stock.  Stir-fry 5-7 minutes, until chicken is cooked.

*Add noodles and pour Pad Thai Sauce over. Using two utensils, use a gentle "lift and turn" method to fry noodles (like tossing a salad). Stir-fry in this way 5 minutes, or until noodles are chewy 'al dente'. If you find your pan too dry, add a little more oil.

*Add bean sprouts and continue frying 1 more minute, or until noodles are cooked. Noodles are done to perfection when they taste chewy and a little sticky. Taste-test for seasoning, adding more fish sauce until desired flavor is reached (I usually add up to 1 Tbsp. fish sauce).

*Top with generous sprinklings of fresh coriander, spring onion, and crushed/chopped nuts. Add fresh lime wedges to be squeezed over before eating, and if desired, serve with Nam Prik Pao Chili Sauce (homemade recipe) on the side.


Pad Thai Tip:
For even more flavor, I'll often make a double batch of the pad Thai sauce. Then, as I'm stir-frying the noodles, I'll add more sauce until I'm happy with the taste (I also add extra fish sauce). Any leftover sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

اسپیشل تھائی نوڈلس

:-اجزا ه

 چکن بریسٹ -ایک عدد سلائس کی ہوئے 
رائس نوڈلس -آدھا پیکٹ 
تیل -آدھا کپ  
 لہسن -دو کھانے کے چمچ 
نمک -ایک چاۓ کا چمچ 
سرکا -ایک کھانے کے چمچ
چلی گارلک سوس-دو کھانے کے چمچ
لال مرچ-ایک چاۓ کا چمچ کٹی ہوئے 
ایسٹر سوس -دو کھانے کے چمچ
فش سوس-دو کھانے کے چمچ
سویا سوس-دو کھانے کے چمچ
 براؤن شوگر-ایک  کھانے کے چمچ
فش سوس-دو کھانے کے چمچ
بند گوبھی -چار کھانے کے چمچ سلائس کیا ہوا 
گاجر -تین  کھانے کے چمچ سلائس کیا ہوا 
ہری پیاز کے پتے -دو کھانے کے چمچ
با بی کارن -دو عدد کٹے ہوئے 
مشروم -چار سے پانچ عدد سلائس کی ہوئے 


رائس نوڈلس کو گرم پانی میں بیس منٹ کیلیے بھگو دیں*

تیل گرم کرکے اسمیں لہسن ڈال کر ایک منٹ تک پکا لیں *

پھر چکن دال کر ایک منٹ تک پکایں*

پھر  نمک،سرکا،چلی گارلک سوس ،کوٹی لال مرچ ،ایسٹر سوس ،فش سوس ،سویا سوس اور براؤن شوگر ڈال دیں *

اب تمام سبزیاں شامل کرکے سٹر فرا ی کرلیں یہاں تک کے  چکن اور سبزیاں نرم ہوجائیں *

  پھر رائس نوڈلس میں اچھی طرح مکس کرلیں اور سرو کریں *

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